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Saturday 9 May 2015

The Jamaican Man's Scam

Nowwwwwwww ....... snaps lips ........ everybody knows I was raised by ma mamma .........aka superwoman...... (Shout out to D.Y.M-P) and some people ..... (pause) the peoples who know me well...... knowwwwwwz that this gu-url hasssss daddy issues.

 snaps lips again....... Buttttttt I gots to share this observation and I am sure i'm going to get flack from both ends.

I am saying this bullshit that guys have adopted bout

 " who me...... I want me  an independent girl"

it pisses me off to no end .............. ( Shout out to Mrs N.B-J on the excellent job you did on your boy honey.... chile .....mmmmm mmmmm goood)

 Now.... if i'm in a relationship and I have to be independent.... I may as well be single; cause what the hell  kinda purpose you 'sposed to serve.

Get it right chile as a man .... you  sposed to wanna take care of me..... I'm you're woman, you sposed to put me in  your budget, you sposed to factor me into your every-damn-day ......SHHHHHIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTT.......... snaps lips again.

It took me a damn minute to figure this shit out .......... You see as women, especially Jamaican women who hail from broken homes or single parent situations  we damaged as helllllllll and we try to overcome by overcompensating; so we earn our money, we pay our way we kill our own zombies leaving these boys nothing to slay.

And these nowadays Jamaican boys ..... yes I said boys.... cause a lot of them aren't men. They relish the "Independent Jamaican Woman" because it makes their life so damn easy. They don't have anything to do, therefore they have nothing to prove.

So hells yeah ...... i'm about to snap my lips again.

Now for the declaration ........ Me ...... hmmm ...... yes chile ......I'm taken but y'all gotta know ......It don't matter how independent of a woman I am,  understand that as a strong, confident woman I am supposed to be able to depend on my man ...... otherwise I might as well get engaged to my own damn hand.

So ladies if you're being courted by a male; first  you have to figure out if he is a boy or a man..... and if he pulls that bullshit line out of his bullshit bag .......... you may not agree but baby please .....

He may wanna hook up with you temporarily ....snaps lips....

( in a Madea voice) ...but ..... chile......please understand if he pulls that bullshit line he don't wanna be you're man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. This is also a problem in America too girl. i cosign!
